Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Here's Your Chance for $100!!!

I want to make things fun and I'm going to make you rich. Or at least put $100 in your pocket.

Your job between now and the election...

Document 1000 instances where McCain, a Republican, Fox News person, etc mentions McCain's military service and a crisp c-note is yours. Shouldn't be too hard.

Let's Talk About Taxes

Thank you George, for my tax cut. I appreciate it. I really do. Here's how I spent it.

1) On gas. I spend an extra $100 in gas a month compared to before you took office.

2) On food. For some reason, the cost of food has gone up. Milk is higher. Eggs are higher. Cheese is higher. Good thing I have my tax cut.

3) Utilities. I haven't used more gas or more electricity but all my bills are higher.

4) Health care. Goes up every year.

George - the tax cut thing is working out great for me. Thanks. Good to know that McCain is going to keep up the good work.

Palin: John McCain is the same man." Really?

Palin just criticized Obama for talking about a group one way to their face and another way behind their back. Kind of like pandering. John McCain doesn't do that, she declared. Really?

When John McCain ran in the South Carolina primary in 200o, he was asked whether the confederate flag should be taken down. He said, "I see the flag as a sign of heritage." After the primary was over, he called for its removal.

John McCain = 72, Avg. Male Lifespan = 73.6

Maybe it is crass or morbid or whatever but this is reality. McCain is old. Very old. He has survived cancer. It doesn't take a genius to say that there is a pretty decent chance that he will die in office. And he picked Palin. Thanks.

Guiliani: "Palin is popular."

I can't believe he didn't mention she was in a beauty pageant.

Huh? What?

So the Republicans spent last night reminding America of the good ol' times. You remember them, right? Under the first George Bush.

Huh? What?

Even the Republicans realized that evaluating the past 8 years would not work in their favor. So what do they do? They ignore Bush II and rewrite the history of Bush I. People - the country wasn't doing that hot under Bush I to begin with. THAT'S WHY HE LOST!!!


If Barack had a Knocked-Up 17 Year-Old Daughter...

Could you just imagine what would be coming out of the GOPs' mouths? I can't even imagine what Ann Coulter would say. Anyone who has watched politics at all knows that Republicans would be making racist remarks and bringing it up every chance they got. Sometimes I wish the Democrats would play just as dirty. But they don't. And the Republicans get rewarded with political offices.

Who is Sarah Palin?

I confess. Ever since she was announced as McCain's VP pick, I have been consumed with finding out as much as I can about her. I want to thank McCain for bringing so much entertainment in my life.

She is apparently a member of the Alaskan Independence Party and spoke at their convention just this past year. The party wants to vote to leave the union. Really. It's true. That's who he picked. It's true.